Tuesday, 25 November 2014

Hey Steve - A tribute to Steve Morton - the Fifth Beatle

Hey Steve
(sung to The Beatles song – Hey Jude)

Hey Steve, I’m feeling sad
Bought a Filo from Pens and Leather
The rings have gaps the size of Brazil
How do I sta-art to make it better?

Hey Steve, my pen loop broke,
Tried to stretch it with lubrication.
It widened then fell apart in my hands.
Is this a ca-ase for compensation?
So off I went to the store, hey Steve, there’s more
in search of new rings to end this story.
My desp’rate search led me on, to Am-a-zon
And somehow I bought a brown Midori!
Huh huh huh huh huh huh - OMG?

Hey Steve, it’s not the end,

but my stress has gone internal
With the refund I got today in the mail,
I now o-own a bullet journal!

So let it out and let it in, hey Steve, begin
to leave all your Filos for the ‘dark side’.
And don't you know that it's true, hey Steve, you do!
Their leather is made from some cow’s backside!

Ugh ugh ugh ugh ugh ugh, gag gag gag!
Hey Steve, don't be so sad
That the ClipBook is not much better.
Remember though Filofax isn’t bad
the latest Van der Speks are so much

better better better better better better, oh!

Ha ha ha ha ha ha, ha ha ha, hey Steve
Ha ha ha ha ha ha, ha ha ha, hey Steve
Ha ha ha ha ha ha, ha ha ha, hey Steve
Ha ha ha ha ha ha, ha ha ha, hey Steve
Ha ha ha ha ha ha, ha ha ha, hey Steve
Ha ha ha ha ha ha, ha ha ha, hey Steve
(Stevie, Stevie, Stevie, Stevie, Stevie, Stevie, Stevie, Stevie!)
Ha ha ha ha ha ha, ha ha ha, hey Steve
Ha ha ha ha ha ha, ha ha ha, hey Steve

Monday, 24 November 2014


OK, so I had a lot of time on my hands
I was goofing around with an online Anagram maker and, well, here are the results.....

aloof evil fixes
alive fixes fool
evil fax floosie

mentor votes
monster vote
motor events
motto nerves
otter venoms
rotten moves
stove mentor

affixation soul
fixations afoul
oxtail affusion

foxy phial

ably rake
balky ear
bar leaky
bleak ray
brake lay
la bakery
leaky bra
yak blare

nectar jar

almond cheer
anchored elm
calmed heron
charmed lone
cheer almond
cholera mend
chrome laden
chromed lane
chromed lean
clamored hen
clone harmed
cloned harem
coal herdmen
cola herdmen
colander hem
colder he-man
dehorn camel
drench a mole
enamel chord
handler come
harmed clone
held romance
herdmen cola
heron calmed
holden cream
horned camel
loch renamed
lone charmed
macho lender
melon arched
menacer hold
mend cholera
merlon ached
modern leach
mole ranched
nacho melder
nomad lecher
ochred leman
ohm calender
ranched mole
random leech
relend mocha
renamed loch
romance held

and a surprising one...

keeps data
