Saturday, 12 July 2014

Modifying And Decorating A5 Filofax Inserts With Just A Laser Printer

After a year of experimentation I have found that I can now accurately print directly on my WO2P A5 pages after a lot of trial and error. 

My current setup just after printing
I have some B&W Victoriana/Steampunk designs on the pages for a small amount of decoration and some ants to divide the notes and weekend (i alternate with keys). 

This is a typical week using the setup.
I also print my daily schedule on the left (with checklist boxes and times 6.00AM-8.00PM) and TODO check-boxes on the right side. It is working well and I print around three to four weeks ahead.
My Bullet Journal method is a bit hybrid but I only use it for what I need - I dont practice 100% BuJo as it really cant work well in the FIlofax pages. I also carry a Pocket notebook with me for more detailed notes and reminders which saves me carrying the A5 everywhere.

and a closer look at the day check-boxes and schedule lists
I use a fairly cheap brother laser printer with a hand-feed slot. I have 4 different templates for the bottom graphics and section lines (for variety) but leave the rest essentially the same. 

I printed very tiny times on the right side to help me write appointments in some sort of visual timeline

One of my reasons for printing the pages this way was that, although I don't mind using washi tape and stickers, it all gets a bit fiddly and time-consuming for me. This way I can just insert the Filofax pages and its all done in about a minute. I like the decoration aspects, but am OK to have the same ones in the Black & White format as I need my entries to be the focus of the page rather than the pretty things I used to do (Not that there is anything wrong with page decorating - I admire them a lot - just cant spare the time to do it an more)

For interest sake - I incorporate my own hybrid version of Bullet Journaling on these pages and write my TODO lists from the bottom upwards - works for me!

Here is a link to one of my videos on YouTube which shows how I set up the page for printing - It works for all size pafes and Filofaxes:


  1. This is just completely amazing!

  2. Definitely gorgeous! I really like it. The images from this post are spreading like wildfire all over Pinterest... and of course I repinned it!

    Thanks for sharing.

  3. Wooow, awsome Kent !!!!
    Thanks for sharing !
