Monday, 1 July 2013

Kent from Oz's THE NEW ME Wellness and Weight Loss Planner

Hey Filofax Community.

I want to share my Wellness and Weight Loss planner with you.

The New Me Filofax Wellness and Weight Loss Plan

It is not a diet plan with recipes and telling you what to eat
It is not an exercise program
It is not a miracle worker - it is just a tool
It is not constructed by health professionals - just little old me

And please seek medical advice before undertaking any weight loss of exercise programs. It makes sense and vital to doing it all right.

It is a planner which you can use to act as a guide through your own weight loss and personal wellness and fitness plan
I wrote this to act as a guide to keep track of my eating and exercise, but I also wanted something to help me stay focused and reflect on this journey.
and it is a journey.
I am grateful to the online support of the friends from the Facebook Filo Dieters United

So here it is. 
I am sorry that it is only in A5 size, but if there is a creative person out there who can convert it to Personal or pocket size let me know.

The layout suits an A5 Filofax

I have included a food/activity journal page and a reflection page for 50 days.

You may just print out the food page or even put the reflections at the beginning and the food journal at the back.

It is up to you.

The questions are only a guide. 

We will each have our own reasons for starting a weight loss journey. 

Make the planner all about you.

Spend time reflecting each day. Focus on the REASONS why you succeed and have failed.

Often diets are useless because we still approach them with the same mind sets that got us unhealthy.

An example of the reflection Page

Each day I try to fill out a reflection page per day along with my food entries.

It is totally up to you

I also fill in everything I eat and drink, the exercise I do and how I feel. It helps to be honest with my self.
There is also sections to write things that inspire you, and a statement about WHY you are on this journey.

It is always good to reflect and stay focused and that helps to stay on track.

The food tracking page has an exercise and food planner section

You may want to write calories or carb levels in the food sections.

They are open enough for what you need to do.
I personally just track what I eat, but check the goodness of the foods as I prepare them.

That is what I will do once I reach my goals.

It is all about making good choices.

Answer the questions in any way you like.
Add more of your own,
Don't answer if you don't want to.

I tried to come up with the 50 areas that I personally wanted to cover in the reflection pages.

Feel free to make your own ones.

Here's the link for A5 Full version

Here is a Week on 2 pages slimdown version for A5 filofaxes.

Remember it is a journey.

Do it for YOU.

Enjoy and aim for success!


  1. So generous of you to make this available.This is a fantastic document and system and I would love it for my filofax. I tried to print it out directly from here but I can only print it in A4. I'm not sure how to convert it to A5. I must be doing something wrong. Would you mind advising a newbie to your blog how to do this please. Thankyou so much.

    1. it depends on your printer set up - but I ask it to print two pages per sheet. hope that helps. let me know how it works out for you. good luck on your journey, cheers Kent

    2. Cavaliers having the same issue! For some reason I'm not getting the option to print it 'book' style or 2 pages per sheet. Have done this before with my printer; not sure what the issue is. Oh well, maybe have to print it A5 and cut them or load A5 paper and try it that way! Either way, thanks to Kent for this! The timing is soooo perfect!

  2. I've just been watching your Youtube video (July 2013 update) which led me here. Fantastic! I love your wellness planner and philosophy behind it. I'm often put off by strict calorie counting, rigid regimes, etc. This is more informal, adaptive and inspiring than strict calorie-counting, formal & rigid regimes. You've wisely emphasised motivational aspects, which is so often the sticking point for many people. Thank you so much for sharing this with us.

  3. this. is. awesome! thank you so much for creating it and sharing it! what a great mindset you this lifelong yo-yo dieter you are truly an inspiration and roll model!

  4. oops...make that role model! stupid autocorrect ; )

  5. Really nice job Kent! Thank you so so much! I've printed out 2 weeks of daily records and about 20 of the inspiration pages to start me off! Woohoo! Go Me!

  6. I think this is EXACTLY what I have been looking for. Thanks for sharing!!

  7. Kent - Now that Steve of Philophaxy has walked me through the mysteries of OpenID, I can finally comment on your blog.

    First off, I thoroughly enjoy your posts and videos. It is extremely generous of you to share this weight-loss template with the world. Which leads me to ask...

    Would you ever consider sharing your Spiradex template? In Personal size? I think it's ingenious, and much easier to follow at a glance than Scription's Chronodex, which is admittedly also excellent. I especially like your latest rendition of the Spiraldex.

    Anyway, thanks again for sharing your Filofax insights.

  8. Kent, I printed a few pages out on A5 but decided I'd prefer a Personal size. I like the trial personal size document you've done, though of course it doesn't contain the whole thing (yet). As an alternative, I printed out the A5 pdf file using custom size paper (personal FF size for me) and 45% on the custom scale. It works very well. :)

  9. This is AMAZING!!! I can't wait to print it and put it in my new a5 Filo this weekend! I absolutely love all of the work you have put into this and sharing it is beyond kind. Thank you!!!

  10. Thanks Kent! I realy like your layouts and question prompts for the WWP.
